Having trouble by accessing Facebook or Twitter at your working place? Suspicious that only your company that make such prohibition? Well, if you’re thinking just that straight away, you’re wrong. I’ve been read a general report of Robert Half Technology (an IT staffing company), and the result is really shocking. Here it is: 54% of American Company block access of their computers at workingplace to social network website such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, and Myspace during working hour. This percentage is very enormous, more than half of American Company do this blocking action.
Robert half Technology also reveals that only 10% of 1400 company chairmans confess that they allow their employers to fully access Facebook and Twitter, 19% of the employers are allowed to access and use Facebook only because the company needs those sites in purpose of supporting their business/industry, and the rest 16% of employers are allowed to access Facebook with certain limitation.
This prohibition of accessing social network website is not a surprising policy. According to the research conducted by Nucleus (a company works on Information Technology field), companies that allow their employers to access social network website loosing their productivity up to 1.5%. Other fact says that the employers spend their time up to 2 hours when they’re accessing social network website.
As the conclusion, don’t blame your company if they do such of this prohibition because most of American Companies do the same thing.
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