PhotoScape photo editor software

Hello, mates, to you who like the photoshoot and having trouble with photo organizing and editing, especially at raw format organizing, you can try this software, called PhotoScape.

Here are several of its advantages than other competitors:

1. Batch converting raw file format into JPEG

Sometime we have to record our photoshoot into raw format, and at the time we want to convert it into other format, we have to do it one by one file. Can you imagine how much time wasted just to convert several files? But hey, I find that this software have facility batch converting file so we can convert many photo file in a time. Just select the photos desired and then press the covert icon, easy, mates! The process of converting itself doesn’t take much time.

2. Batch rename file

At an occasion, even may be rare, we need to rename hundreds or even thousand photo files. And we need it quick, simple and reliable. Well, this software also give us that facility. Just select photos desired, set the naming, and then, here you go, you’ve got the result.

3. Paging

This feature enable us to organize several photos into a new composition, each of photo can be attached with an unique photo frame. Many variation supplied here. Here as an example:

There are many features that took many place to be discuss, but I will mention them several below:

- Splitter, to split photo or image
- Screen Capture
- Combine
- Batch Editor

Download the software at:

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